Defending yourself against crimes committed far in the past

Law Blog

Generally speaking, there are no provisions for a statute of limitations with regard to criminal matters in Australia, although statutes do exist for civil and property matters. If you find yourself accused of a crime long in the past, here are some steps to take to defend yourself.  Hire an experienced criminal lawyer Whilst there is no statute of limitations, the prosecutor still needs to provide a reasonable case that they can prove that you committed the crime.

29 July 2016

Frequently Asked Questions About Criminal Compensation in Australia

Law Blog

In Australia, victims of crimes can be compensated for certain losses they've suffered due to the crime, as well as for pain and suffering. This compensation may even extend to loss of personal property you wouldn't expect, such as clothing. It can also be extended to family members of victims of certain crimes. If you are wondering if you're eligible for criminal compensation in Australia, note a few frequently asked questions about this arrangement and then discuss your options with a criminal attorney.

29 March 2016